Interpretive Typographic Exploration–Type Studio I

In this project first year graduates access 3 films, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Memento, and Double Indemnity, to find themes in which to interpret through typographical means. They are asked to choose a scene or scenes in which they believe best communicate the plot. Typographic research leads to unique visual representations of each character present in the scene/s. The form of the book, color, and paper choice, should all lend themselves to the communication of the concept. With the completion of this project students develop new levels of communications through the creative use of content, layout, color, typography, and image. This critical analysis of message, meaning, form and context directs students in their creation of this innovative print-based typographical outcome.

Einstein's Dreams | Ann Kruetzkamp

Einstein's Dreams | Ann Kruetzkamp

Einstein's Dreams–Detail | Ann Kruetzkamp

Eternal Sunshine | Bonnie Clas

Eternal Sunshine | Bonnie Clas

Eternal Sunshine | Bonnie Clas

Eternal Sunshine | Bonnie Clas

Eternal Sunshine–Cover | I-Han Cheng

Eternal Sunshine | I-Han Cheng

Eternal Sunshine | I-Han Cheng