"The Rules"–Typography II

The annual assists in stating a “corporate presence”. It presents the company’s philosophy, goals, and aspirations by combining compelling imagery alongside marketing promises. Most reports attempt to reassure employees as well as customers and shareholders. The focus of this undergraduate project is to enhance the student’s abilities in developing page layout structures, to systematically organize researched information, and to effectively and intelligently combine text and images. An effective annual report conveys a strong identity, allowing the reader to always know where they are, page after page. It relies on pacing for its impact. The overall layout structure is similar to that of a composed piece of music or the creation of a motion picture, which includes a beginning, middle, climax, and a conclusion.

The student chooses a company that they are interested in, ex. Nike, Harley Davidson, Toys-R-Us, etc. They need to do extensive research into their company. This should include past annuals, advertisements, and any graphic material they can find. This is done to get an understanding of the brand philosophy. Following the research of their brand, they will begin to develop an understanding for the strategic positioning of their company. They will carry this look/feel/philosophy throughout the entire piece.

The Wrigley Co–Cover | Holly Ann Schmidt

The Wrigley Co | Holly Ann Schmidt

The Wrigley Co | Holly Ann Schmidt

Motorola | Bill Steele

Motorola | Bill Steele

Motorola–Cover | Bill Steele

NPR Annual–Cover | Sara Jo Johnson

NPR Annual | Sara Jo Johnson

NPR Annual | Sara Jo Johnson